Wings of Faith by Omar Suleiman

3 item(s)


Wings of Faith: Patience and Gratitude


Omar Suleiman

Size, Pages & Weight:

5-inch x 7-inch

90 pages

120 gram


Wings of Faith: Patience and Gratitude deals with the closely-related topics of patience and gratitude. As discussed by Ibn Qudamah r.a.h. in his Book of Patience, the Arabic word, ṣabr is often rigidly translated as patience, when it has a broader and deeper meaning. It can be interpreted as forbearance, endurance, resilience, clemency, chastity and many other concepts depending on the context. On the other hand, shukr or gratitude talks about being grateful. 

Since patience and gratitude are described as the wings of faith—the means of salvation, it is pertinent for the relationship of these two concepts to be established with an aim of completing our faith, as attempted amazingly in this work. It also derails the common misconceptions such as the belief that we only be patient with hardships and be grateful with blessings. This is not always the case. Both patience and gratitude are essential in the face of adversity and grace.

Retail Price:

RM 45.00