Magnificent Forest Trees In Selangor

5 item(s)

The forested area in Selangor covers about 250,860 ha (32%) from a total of 793,020 ha of land area in the state. More than 70% of the forest areas in Selangor is considered as lowland dipterocarp forest including the mangroves and peat swamp forest areas. With the grace of his Majesty the Sultan of Selangor who is very concerned about the conservation of the environment and the well-being of his subjects, including the forest biodiversity, Selangor has become the first timber-state in Peninsular Malaysia that stops the logging activities in production forests since 2010. The importance of trees in forest ecosystem could be seen from five perspectives; their functions in the ecological processes, their values in conservation, characterization and diversity of an area, contributing major economic resources in the form of timbers, and finally, benefit to the local community, especially the indigenous communities.